Hellllo my friends! This is my first blog...so bare with me as I get use to this! Mary and I decided it was important to document our first trip to Utah this year. We are so excited to spread the true gospel to our Mormon friends and can't wait to see what God reveals to us as we make connections in Utah. Although Mary has experienced Utah missions previously, this is my first time serving! It'll be an informal blog, where we can write down our thoughts, debrief from the day, and vocalize what God is doing here. We will try and update our posts daily.
So... here's a little introduction to my spiritual walk.....
I'm not the kind of person to publicize my whole life story on a blogging sight, but here's a little background of where I stand today in my walk with Christ, and why I am passionate about Mormon ministries. Specifically this time last year, I was one step away from converting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I was raised in a strong Christian home, attended Calvary Chapel churches from a young age, and thought I was living as an example of Christ. Oh boy was I wrong! I rarely got in the Word, prayed only when I was struggling or having a bad day, and seemed to enjoy the contemporary christian music more than actually comprehending the words I was singing every Sunday. Something had to be missing.
My senior year of High School I began searching for more substance and meaning in my faith. My long-term boyfriend at the time began telling me more about his church and testimony of Christ. I was fascinated and agreed with everything he told me! Strong family values, dedicated followers and a very organized church body. Sounded like the perfect Church! And Technically it wasn't too far off from what I believed, right? I mean, it even had Jesus Christ's name in the title... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Now there's the obvious differences between an evangelical church and the LDS church such as the additional gospels (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price), restrictions on caffeine and conservative church apparel. But there was those underlying questions....
Why do i have to be baptized again as a convert to the LDS church if they consider themselves a Christian sect?
Why is there a need for additional gospels?
Can works alone provide eternal life?
Is God's grace not enough for salvation?
If I were to convert, why couldn't my non-LDS family members and friends see me eventually get married?
Why do they reject the Trinity?
And the list went on...
I wasn't going to ignore all my questions and simply convert, so I began searching for answers. I read the Book of Mormon, briefly studied the LDS Church History, and discussed with my Mom--my spiritual mentor--the struggles I was facing. I prayed, and attended a few LDS social events. I even ran into an old friend who use to be an evangelical Christian that recently converted to Mormonism. Was that a sign? I wanted clarity.
Finally, I just broke down and asked God to reveal the truth. I woke up, realizing all the truth I needed was written in the Book of Life- The Holy Bible. From that point, I began to truly use the Bible as a manual for my unanswered questions. I realized the importance of studying verses in context, and the clarity the Bible holds. I would compare Mormon doctrine to the Bible and came to the conclusion that they just don't match up.
The contradictions are so evident. Just because Christ's name is in the church title, it does not mean they follow the same Christ as in the Bible.
"But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
4For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him" (2 Corinthians 11:3-4)"All the rituals, the works, the organizational aspects of their church seems to distract from the true purpose--Jesus Christ. The Church is so focused on self-exaltation, more than exalting the true and living Christ. I have learned our entire purpose as Christians is to glorify God in everything we do, to spread the good news of the gospel and fulfill the Great Commission.
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
- Matthew 28:19-20
I am so grateful that God revealed his Truth to me through his Word. I realized that Truth is not founded in religion or a church, but is founded solely in Jesus Christ. Therefore, I don't classify myself as a Baptist, Non-denominational, Lutheran or Protestant.
I'm simply a follower of Christ. A Disciple. A Biblical Christian.
So that's my story.
That is why I am so passionate about Mormon ministries and missions.
My biggest fear for this trip to Utah is people misunderstanding our mission philosophy.
I personally have no hatred towards Mormons, and want to stress that I am not going to Utah to attack anyone. In fact, I absolutely love Mormons! I will be the first to say they are the most generous, dedicated people I have known in my short 19 years.
BUT if they're claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ, it should match up with what the Bible preaches.
If any LDS reads our blogs, I ask you to compare your churches doctrine to the Bible. Find out for yourself through mediation on the Word, and prayer that God will reveal Himself to you through the Word.
That is my hope for Utah.
I hope we are able to open the eyes to many struggling LDS members. I hope their faith is shaken by the Holy Spirit. I pray God directs each encounter and plants seeds in every heart He seeks to touch. I am confident God has given us this opportunity to preach His Word.
It is what we are ALL called to do.
I encourage you to follow our posts as we are in Utah.
Feel free to leave comments, or contact us via email with any questions!
Keep us in prayer!
With Love,
loved reading this! so excited to follow along with your trip. praying for you both!
ReplyDeleteso blessed to call you both my friends
love you!